
Trinity Church is a summer chapel that has been nestled in the heart of York Harbor, Maine since 1909.  Please join us for services beginning in mid June through Labor Day. Deep in December, Trinity hosts an Ecumenical Service of Nine Lessons of Carols.

Keep current with all things Trinity on our Facebook page as well.




With Millennium Development Goals in mind, Trinity’s outreach efforts touch many corners of the world. Our three outreach recipients, chosen at years end, change annually and include humanitarian organizations.



A Note from the Trustees of Trinity Episcopal Church

Although for the most part we are returning to normal worship practices, we will continue observing a few safety protocols. If you are not fully vaccinated, we request you consider wearing a mask. Masks will be available at the entrance. Otherwise the wearing of a mask is optional. We do have vulnerable members of our community who may be wearing masks. To the degree possible, do not sit close to someone who is wearing a mask.

Communion, in both kinds, will be distributed at the rail in the chancel. Please notify an usher if you would prefer to receive communion in your pew.

All are welcome to receive communion.

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