Trustees of Trinity Church and the church community have embraced the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals (http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/) wholeheartedly, and we are tasked with keeping those goals in mind for our outreach efforts. Trinity’s outreach efforts touch many corners of the world. Our three recipients, chosen at years end, change annually and include state, national and international humanitarian organizations. Listed below are the chosen organizations.
In 2023 as is often the case in the fall when selections are made, dire needs surface to the very top of our lists. As in past years, our hearts are drawn to those living in and through crisis situations and carrying heavy burdens. With our donations, go our fervent prayers for a safer and more gentle world.
Maine Community Foundation – www.mainecf.org
In late October, we heard the horrific news of the gun violence tragedy in Lewiston and the loss of 19 lives including the shooter. Words escaped us as we tried to express the terror, grief and sadness surrounding such an event happening here in Maine. The Maine Community Fund created the Lewiston- Area Fund to address current and emerging needs associated with this tragedy. With MaineCF as a conduit, 100% of every dollar donated will be allocated to people impacted and the organizations that will help guide Lewiston-Auburn through the process of healing. Donations to the Lewiston-Auburn Area Response Funds will be distributed with deep community guidance, including from MaineCF’s statewide board, engagement by MaineCF’s Androscoggin County Committee, and community steering committees
Be SMART For Kids – Maine www.besmartforkids.org
Be SMART was launched to raise awareness that secure gun storage—storing guns locked, unloaded and separate from ammunition—can save children’s lives. 4.6 million children in the US live in a household with at least one unsecured loaded gun. Be SMART works to emphasize adults role and responsibility in keeping children from accessing guns. Every adult can play a role in keeping our kids and communities safer. Over the years, Maine has been known as an incredibly safe state despite the almost 47% of the population that own at least one gun. However, while gun violence has been considered low, the suicide by gun ratio in Maine far outpaces the US rate. Suicides among teens have increased exponentially since the COVID pandemic. Promoting secure gun storage can play a key role in lowering rates and keeping children safe. Every child deserves a safe home.
American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem
Ahli Arab Hospital www.afedj.org
Ahli Arab Hospital suffered two hits since conflict erupted on October, 7th, 2023. Despite damaged infrastructure, threat to life and property and supply shortages, Ahli continues its ministry of healing in war-torn Gaza. Much more than “just a hospital,” Ahli is a community resource. People from all backgrounds seek Ahli for refuge. When Gazans are desperate for care, sanctuary, aid, or even help with purchasing school supplies for their children, they turn to Ahli knowing that they will be greeted with compassion and empathy. Ahli Hospital extends their ministry of healing beyond their doors, educating and empowering women, providing free transportation for the poor to receive care, and psychosocial support for traumatized children affected by war on the border towns. Exemplifying what it means to “live the Gospel,” Ahli is a sacred sanctuary, a beacon of hope, and a pillar of the community. Ahli is deeply respected throughout Gaza for the compassion, attention, and care they offer to Gaza’s most vulnerable. Ahli Hospital Director Suhaila Tarazi told AFEDJ “there are no winners in war”.
AFEDJ is one of the few charities that sends 100% of designated donations directly to the institution.
York Community Service Association
Supporting our ongoing commitment to the York community with our donation from Service of Nine Lessons and Carols.